Thursday, October 27, 2016

Throwback Jewelry Photo's: Post 1

Last week I came across picture of jewelry I made years ago. I thought these pictures were gone. I was happily surprised when I found them.  The bracelet above I made using mini blue and white glow in the dark pony beads.

 This bracelet I made using blue glass beads and golden yellow pony beads. The blue beads have a unique story.  One day my Mama and I went to a Pet Store in Monroeville, Alabama. I believe I was sixteen at the time.  While at the checkout at the Pet Store, we saw a container of beads sitting on the container.  The woman working there said she sold beads! I remember how excited I was to find somewhere else nearby that sold beads besides Wally World.

 For this bracelet I used a combination of plastic beads. Clear, pearl white, and red. 
 This bracelet I made or did a family member make it? I do not remember. I do remember liking how pretty it looked, even though the beads were plastic. 

This bracelet turned out colorful!  I used a variety of shapes, all plastic beads.

I enjoy looking back at jewelry I have made.  Looking at these pictures along with others I came across inspired me to start a new blog series. Throwback Jewelry Photo's. Ever so often I post a throwback jewelry photo on my Instagram (MardiRobyn), so why not start a series of blog posts?  

Check back right here, every Thursday for four or five throwback jewelry photo's.